So the dashing Stefan played by Paul Wesley entered SFX's list at #15 heres what they had to say " The Vampire Diaries has been the real success story of this poll, with Stefan being the first of multiple characters from the show who barely registered with our voters last time around but who now dominate the upper reaches of this latest Top 50. Poor old Paul Wesley was hampered with the less interesting brother to play out of the Salvatore brothers, a wet Luke Skywalker (with Will Shuester hair) to Damon’s roguish Han Solo, and it’s easy to underestimate what a great job Wesley did bringing some charisma and wit to the role. But recently, Stefan has gone all Angelus on us, and Wesley looks like he’s having a blast being all randomly evil. If they don’t turn him back, he could place even higher next time."
While Klaus played by the marvellous Joseph Morgan scooped #7
"After suffering the ignominy of being introduced to the series in the guise of one of its dullest characters (though for a scant few weeks Alaric actually seemed interesting), Klaus emerged in the flesh as the lanky lead singer of a British indie band who probably spends his time off surfing in New Quay. Initially, the idea that we were supposed to take this guy as a serious big bad seemed ludicrous. It was like getting Chris Martin of Coldplay to play a werewolf (oh, hang on… Lost Girl’s done that). But rapidly, Klaus was revealed his true colours – mostly blood red and a black, black heart. Callously evil to a jawdropping extent, Klaus will slice someone in half or use them as a dartboard just because he feels like it. He looks rubbish in his flashback wigs, though. It’s a tradition amongst small-screen vampires, clearly."
our sassy Katherine played by the stunning Nina Dobrev came in at #6
"The evil vampire doppelganger of The Vampire Diaries’ Elena, Katherine has been spelling double trouble for the Salvatore brothers ever since she sired them. She really fancies Stefan, but isn’t averse to leading Damon up the garden path when it suits her. Amoral, self-seeking and outrageously flirtatious, she looks great in a 19th century frock and is useful as an Elena stand-in when the show needs to shock you into thinking Elena’s been killed."
BUT it was our deliciously dashing Damon played by the gorgeous Ian Somerhalder who scooped the #1 spot beating out tough competition
"So here he is. The man who’s has deposed Spike from the number one spot. And who could begrudge him? Damon is the new Spike: bad boy? Check. Sharp wit? Check. Willingness to go shirtless? Check? Initially loathed by the show’s heroine but now looking more likely to get in her knickers? Check. Cheekbones? Well… they’re not in the Spike league, but Damon has his fruit machine eyes instead, rolling in ways that seem beyond human abilities.There’s little doubt that Damon has been a major part in The Vampire Diaries’ success, and Ian Somerhalder has played him like a man gripping onto a buck bronco like his life depends on it. Somerhalder has moaned a bit lately that Damon gets beaten up once too often in the show, and he has a point. So expect some more ass-kicking in future, which can only consolidate his pole position, surely?"
Source SFX.co.uk
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